Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hey Again

SO cold in Marin...New York wont be much better I'm sure. Absent minded me left my suitcase back in santa cruz. Wondering if thats just a lot on my mind or inadequacy of my mind...either way I need to get it together. Working on fighting resentment lately, it builds quicker than any other passion a man will ever encounter, just as Neitzche said...although, when I think about it, I can't help but wonder how long it had been since Nietzche got laid last... thought of the moment..whats this "monetize" tab blogger has up at the top of the page now? I realize those of you reading this (haha probably no one who wants to read this garbage except me in a futile attempt to take an objective look at my self once in a while) dont know what I am talking about but on the page where I am writing this there are a bunch of tabs and one of them says "Monetize" ...does that mean they put impressionist paintings in the background of your profile and play Debussy? Honestly I think I'd be pretty down. Debussy time...peace out king crimson! Ah, thats more like it. I use this radio program called, its a lot like pandora. Exactly the same, actually, minus the advertisements since I use a downloaded program instead of the bonehead website. Anyway, you type in king crimson, adrian belew, robert fripp..whatever you like. Once in maybe 5 or 6 songs you'll get a song by one of those artists. One in every 3 or 4 songs that actually play will be good..the others are just some cheesy bullshit that someone decided they would call "progressive" and thats the genius of the "progressive" can't really descriminate against much unless someone is playing a 12 bar blues...thats pretty obviously not progressive. All this music talk is boring you, I can see it. Ah, here I am talking like I'm Fyodor Dostoyevsky or something...then again from what I've read of his works I feel a stronger connection to his thoughts and supposed mannerisms than to any other author I've recently read...(cough cough nietzche cough cough). Am I being pretentious right now? Probably...but that's the fun of thinking. Judge me all you want, chances are I'll judge you right back. It's human nature and there isnt a god damn thing any of us can do about it, or anything else in this godforsaken world except breathe. No I'm not pessimistic, I just let my mind wander and when I drink too much espresso, it doesn't really like to stop and smell the lilacs. Had to substitute lilacs in for roses there cause I can't stand using those damn cliché's all the time...and there I just admitted to knowingly using it. The irony here is great!

Thats all, man!