Wednesday, December 16, 2009


And that is the question of the day. Who can I trust? To be right? To tell me the truth, the complete unbiased truth supporting no one's interests in particular. The cold, hard truth. Not the exaggerated, skeptical, conspiratical (if thats a word...) truth, but the real god damn thing! No one can. Perhaps the only reason I ask this is because I dont even feel that I can trust myself to decide who to listen to. I could always become a narrow minded individual and not listen to anyone, but I resent that in others. So I can easily rule that which I just said out of my options...but what does that leave me with? Faith. I have never really been one with the faith, to religion anyways. I have only been one with the faith that everything will work itself out in the end. But as I have matured, I have come to conclusions suggesting otherwise. That on so many different levels, we are fucked. As humans, as a planet, as a race, as a population, as a democracy! The only thing we havent failed at is continuing to fuck up. I feel somehow as if I am superior for realizing this, but am I? No...if anything, im just less fucked than everyone else...or, if there is nothing that can be done to change how fucked we are, im just MORE fucked, on a different level, because unlike others, I now must endure the mental torture of thinking about such matters. Some say torture is enlightenment...I will leave it at that.

The Enlightened


[edit 1/19/10]
"Better to be a human unsatisfied than a pig satisfied."
-John Stuart Mill (utilitarian)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A vacation

It seems as if recently I have taken a break from thinking, but not from thinking about thinking in the sense of asking myself repeatedly why I have stopped thinking for no apparent reason. I guess that whole statement contradicts itself and then some but hopefully those reading this can pull meaning out of it. If not, take some classes in rhetoric, well, more specifically, take the class titled "how to decipher jumbled bullshit" because that should give you the tools to read this blog if you do not already have what it takes.

Rain is upon us, but no matter, it makes things more beautiful. This is a peaceful rain, it comes down but does not get you all that wet. Or perhaps, I have come to accept that my body is made up of 98 percent water and am no longer bothered with the sensation I receive when my skin collides with droplets of water.

I saw something very beautiful today, it was the result of something very tragic, the situation allowing me to see this very beautiful something, that is. Hopefully I will be able to view it for many years to come, it was astounding, if you want to know the truth.

I love having laundry done for me, but simultaneously find that when I start a load of laundry and dont finish it, and it is finished for me, that I am some kinda lazy fuck. Sorry mom.

Overall not much has been happening here, perhaps for the best!

Happy Holidays!
Zeph A.D.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009


ADS ADS ADS! THERE ARE SO MANY, you know? They just seem to ADd up after a while. That's right, we pay money to view ads, which suggest we pay more money to view more ads, and ultimately pay more money to view more ads, and ultimately pay more money to view more ads, and so on, and so forth, until one day we will become ads ourselves, and we will ADD up and kill all who are not ads. Boy, Dr. Seuss sure knows his shit.


The puzzle piece has found it's way in, yet now there is no way out. Thought embeds itself around the one subject. The impossible has been achieved yet now must be deferred because of the possible. On the other hand, if the possible occurs the impossible may no longer need deferring, and things shall go about as they should. Only time will tell, until then, the only thing we have is ice.