Sunday, December 13, 2009

A vacation

It seems as if recently I have taken a break from thinking, but not from thinking about thinking in the sense of asking myself repeatedly why I have stopped thinking for no apparent reason. I guess that whole statement contradicts itself and then some but hopefully those reading this can pull meaning out of it. If not, take some classes in rhetoric, well, more specifically, take the class titled "how to decipher jumbled bullshit" because that should give you the tools to read this blog if you do not already have what it takes.

Rain is upon us, but no matter, it makes things more beautiful. This is a peaceful rain, it comes down but does not get you all that wet. Or perhaps, I have come to accept that my body is made up of 98 percent water and am no longer bothered with the sensation I receive when my skin collides with droplets of water.

I saw something very beautiful today, it was the result of something very tragic, the situation allowing me to see this very beautiful something, that is. Hopefully I will be able to view it for many years to come, it was astounding, if you want to know the truth.

I love having laundry done for me, but simultaneously find that when I start a load of laundry and dont finish it, and it is finished for me, that I am some kinda lazy fuck. Sorry mom.

Overall not much has been happening here, perhaps for the best!

Happy Holidays!
Zeph A.D.


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