Monday, February 22, 2010


surely, you all know the saying: "take the time to stop and smell the roses"

Something along those lines, anyways. Well, I tried that, it did little more than throw me completely off track with everything I was doing. Once you stop and smell the roses, the roses become so sweet it can be difficult to get going again.

Because once its time to get going again, you realize how late you are, and you realize all the reprocussions of how late you are. At this point it is easy to enter a state of panic, and panic is a horrible experience. For me, it lasts a short while before I just take things into perspective and keep on truckin', so to speak. For others, panic is a precursor to the quicksand of procrastination. This is not to say that I dont procrastinate on a daily, or hourly, for that matter, basis. And I may be rambling on at this very moment, not cognizant of the fact that I am one of these victims of which I speak. In any case, what I was trying to say is that this quicksand, it sucks you in, and sometimes its impossible to pull yourself out. I've recently witnessed multiple people give up on one thing or another (from a course, up to their entire college education!!) because of the overwhelming sense panic and procrastination team up to give someone.

That is why it is appropriate in these situations to just take a deep breath, and tell oneself:

"This too shall pass."


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