Wednesday, May 19, 2010

OH man...

Sorry, this wasnt intended to be a space where I document my dreams, but this one is just too fweird (yes, the word is a combination of fuckin and weird)

There are some parts I definitely wont write, because theyre just too...wrong.

Go home to visit family, only to find my dad has bought a ferrari. What?

Then I look at my car, which now has huge wheels, and a weird painjob...I rush to my car, only to find the license plate is different, then I see mine just a few feet away, in its normal condition...except...

I go up to it, to see that some punks have spraypainted all over it, and keyed the paint off in some places! Like..this is really bad!

My dads deceased best friend is sitting on the front wheelwell, pondering life. He refuses a ride when I offer it.

When I finally enter the vehicle, there is a strong smell of primetime cigarettes (yeah, little cigars? I call em cigarettes, bitch, cant hide shit from me). I think, "shit! someone has been using my car for a smoking spot? Not chill! I Move around in my seat a bit, and I hear someone grunt behind me. Now this shit is just too weird to comprehend. Someone is hiding in my car? What? I turn around, only to realize that the back bench seat (which comes up to reveal a small storage space/ the car's battery compartment) seem strangely out of place, it lifts up, to reveal Kristin sitting on Sohrob's lap. Kristin is still holding a bud light in her hand, and her first words are "how did I get here? I dont remember coming in here."

Sohrob just sits there.

Fuckin' Sohrob....

I did drive my dad's ferrari in my dream, and it was sick as fuck.

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