Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rats in society

I. Police wont come when you need them.

II. Avoid meth/crackheads, I assure you they're everywhere.

III. Playing music is the balance of my sanity.

IV. This society will eventually evolve back into a series of monarchies, if were lucky. If were unlucky, which is certainly the American way with George Bush (oh wait, that wasn't a matter of luck that was a matter of puppetry, pulling strings), and GLobal warming (once again, not really luck, we caused it. Oh lets face it, we aren't unlucky, were stupid as fuck! Anyways, if were "unlucky" it will be one big monarchy cough ...er.. I mean DICTATORSHIP! If all them skeptics says is true. But thats my problem with politics. Who the hell am I supposed to believe? The government? No thats controlled by corporations/money/underage sexual favors. Should I trust the conspiracy theorists (sorry Samet)? Well maybe, but I would just as soon trust spiritualists, which is not necessarily putting either down, although that is a whole new debate in itself which, at this particular moment I would prefer to avoid. Seeing that I still cant decide who to trust, I realize my best bet is probably to bribe the CORPORATIONS! BUT, how the hell am I supposed to do that?! I suppose that goes back to society, seeing that society (little bits and pieces of it, anyways) and corporations (media) really feed off of eachother, it sends us into a ping-pong game, between the two walls of which we feel we must influence. (If you dont get it, read it a few times, eventually, you'll understand what I'm trying to say there, its jumbled, I know).

ANYWAYS where was I? Oh yes, those skeptics (aka Conspiracy Thoerists). If they're right, about everything, it is probable that we will, one day, EVENTUALLY be enslaved in one way or another, our minds will be controlled. Look up chemtrails, clearly the mind control has already started if all that is true. I guess my problem with this whole idea is the amount of ifs there are. Then again, the future is one big IF itself. Think on that.


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